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Out of Egypt

PDF kostenlos Out of Egypt
Neu aufgerüstet! Das aktuelle Buch von einem wirklich bekannten Autor kommt schließlich aus. Buch, wie eine unglaubliche Referenz wird genau das, was Sie bekommen sollen. Was ist für Diese Publikation? Glaubst du immer noch von dem, was Führung ist? Nun, das ist genau das, was Sie wahrscheinlich erhalten. Sie müssen für Ihr besseres Leben richtige Optionen gemacht haben. Reserve, als eine Quelle, die die Fakten, Meinungen, literarische Werke, Religion, sowie zahlreiche andere sind die großen Freunde zu begleiten umfassen könnte.
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Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Andre Aciman is the author of Eight White Nights, Call Me by Your Name, Out of Egypt, False Papers, Alibis, and Harvard Square, and the editor of The Proust Project. He teaches comparative literature at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and lives with his wife in Manhattan.
Taschenbuch: 415 Seiten
Verlag: Faber And Faber Ltd.; Auflage: Main (21. Februar 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0571349714
ISBN-13: 978-0571349715
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 2,6 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 106.890 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Erzählt wird die Geschichte einer jüdischen Industriellenfamilie im kolonialen Ägypten bis zu ihrer Enteignung und Ausweisung 1965. Erzähler ist der am Ende der Geschichte etwa 18jährige Sohn. Die Erzählung ist ein nostalgisch-wehmütiger Rückblick, der sich in detailreichen Beschreibungen und Dialogen verliert, welche die Handlung nicht vorantreiben. Wenn man an melancholischen Schilderungen zum Untergang einer Epoche Freude hat, wird einem das Buch sicher gefallen. Für mich ist es zu lang geraten.
After reading Call Me By Your Name by Mr. Aciman I knew I had to read other works by this superb author. Out of Egypt was a fascinating read & thoroughly engrossing. The book shines a light on the formative years of Mr. Acimans life while immersing the reader in exciting tales of a now lost way of life. I also thought the last section revealed things that influenced aspects of Call Me By Your Name which I think were not coincidental. Reading the two sequentially (OOE then CMBYN) makes sense even though I happened to read them the other way around. This definitely won't be the last book I read by Mr. Aciman.
Out Of Egypt is made even more lucid by further losses to the country after the Arab Spring. I lack Aciman's irony and wit to counter the grief from having lived sporadically in Egypt's underbelly in Cairo, married and lost an Egyptian husband...Egypt was and possibly still is in some ways, a land where you are instantly transported back to a lifetime that is not known consciously but is at the same time familiar. Aciman has captured the sense of being in exile; only recognized through memories. There really are no words I can write to describe the beauty of this book; I wept when the end came.
A fascinating story about a very charming but eccentric Jewish family that seems to have no solid or permanent roots. They hail from turkey, Italy, France and England and speak all these languages simultaneously avoiding learning arabic regarding it the language of the servants and the illiterate populace. Egypt seems to be their new temporary home in which the enjoy an upper class life style but they can't escape the ascent of Nasser and his push to nationalize all businesses , deport all foreigners, especially Jews, from Egypt. The young narrator and his family are ultimately forced to leave what to them has been an interlude of happiness in slander described as a paradise: suffused with sunshine, surrounded by the blue Mediterranean waters and yellow sand. Their relationships and lives will be pulled apart never to be resumed again . One gets the sad feeling that they are being exiled from a paradise never to return again.
This is the most beautiful book of memoirs i have ever read. i grew up in the 40's and 50's Borough Park Brooklyn where Italians and Jews lived in great harmony...we were lower middle class while those in the book are upper class, but i understood them. Uncle Villi is a dear, though Fascist and even an admirer of Hitler. The aunts and grandmother and even great grandmother hold eccentric opinions. They are all forced to leave and really don't want to even when the anti-Semitism has become very uncomfortable. I am in Italy right now where i have a house in Puglia. I live upstate ny and would like to meet the author who teaches in the city to compare notes, if he cares to.
Aciman is as good a writer as I had read. He has a fluid, excellent style. This biographical book of his life in Alexandria with an extended family who had emigrated from Turkey, is fascinating. It is incisive about people, politics, and the times. I haven't read his novels, but this is a marvelous book.
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