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Of Poseidon

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Audible Hörbuch
Spieldauer: 9 Stunden und 31 Minuten
Format: Hörbuch-Download
Version: Ungekürzte Ausgabe
Verlag: Audible Studios
Audible.de Erscheinungsdatum: 4. Oktober 2012
Sprache: Englisch, Englisch
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 23.689 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals (Siehe Top 100 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals)
Of Poseidon ist eine Geschichte, die das Herz eines jeden Fans von klebrig süßen, absolut kitschigen Liebesgeschichten höher schlagen lässt. Es gibt die typischen sarkastische Unterhaltungen zu Beginn, das Herzklopfen, Streitigkeiten und verstohlene Blicke. Außerdem gibt es Meermenschen und wer kann diesen schon widerstehen?!Für Leser, die eine Geschichte mit Tiefgang und harten Themen konfrontiert werden wollen, nicht zu empfehlen. Alle, die vor süßen Momenten ihre Bettdecke über den Kopf ziehen wollen, sollten dieses Buch jedoch sofort kaufen!
Bis jetzt habe ich noch keine wirklich guten Meermenschen-Bücher gelesen, aber das hier ist wirklich mal etwas nettes.Emma macht mit ihrer besten Freundin in Florida Urlaub. Dabei rennt sie - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - in Galen hinein. Er macht sie nervös und daher versucht sie ihn schnell loszuwerden.Keine halbe Stunde später wird Emmas Freundin von einem Hai getötet. Trotz allen Versuchen und mindestens 10 Minuten unter Wasser kann Emma ihr nicht helfen.Nach dem traumatischen Erlebnis kehrt sie nach Hause zurück, nur um dort erneut auf Galen zu treffen, denn Emma ist kein gewöhnliches Mädchen, dass starke Lunge hat.Das Buch ist abwechselnd aus der Sicht von Emma und Galen geschrieben. Es ist spannend und die Beschreibungen der Syrena sind sinnig. Wieso wir sie nicht kennen, wie sie sich verwandeln können, usw. Sogar die Erwähnung von Atlantis macht Sinn.Spannend und suchtgefährdent. Der zweite und dritte Band stehen schon auf meiner Leseliste!
'Of Poseidon' is that one book you'll die to have with you on the beach: Banks' humor is so engaging, the grin won't be leaving your face, and her writing exciting enough to just keep you on your toes. It's funny and compelling and light but not wthout edge, and what's more it's got just the perfect pacing and length to finish it in one setting.I think this is the best mermaid, uhm, sorry, SYRENA story I've come across till now, it's got just the right dose of mythology and romance to create the perfect balance. The author somehow manages to give it just the right depth to make it feel real without ovedoing it. The characters have seriously grown on me and I don't know how she does it but all of them are perfectly developed without effort on her part.And what's not to like? Galen makes the pages sizzle and trust me when I say there are sparks involved every time he shows up. Prince of an underwater kingdom, he is used to getting whatever he wants and is surprised Emma won't let him always get his way. Honestly, she sort of stole the spotlight. I loved, loved, loved her snarky remarks, the way she never backs down, how she never lets him order her around, an never once gets whiny or bitchy and is one of the most lovable, funny heroines in YA literature. She's gained all my respect. The chemistry between her and Galen really made the pages crackle, especially their upbeat banter, I think each scene had me laughing out loud.And then there's Rayna and Toraf. Seriously, they would have been amazing enough on their own, but together... well, they're beyong amazing. There's hardly a more perfect match than those two. She's a spoiled princess, he's her brother's best friend and together they're just epic. There's a certain scene where a certain sleeping arrangement might or migth not be involved that will just ahve you laughing and awwing at the same time.Overall, I can definitely say this is a character-driven story. The mythology was very well developed yet the plot depended mostly on the characters. 'Of Poseidon' is a must read for everyone that's looking for an awesome summer read. And for those who just want a piece of beach and summer.Favorite quote:I keep my back turned while he maneuvers his shorts into place. "Are you decent?" I call after a few seconds. No matter how many times I tell him I can't see into the water yet, he insists I'm just trying to look at his "eel." For crying out loud.
Of Poseidon had everything that I love in YA novels. First, there is the humor. The female lead, Emma, seems to be a character inspired by the author herself. In an interview, Anna Banks relates how incredible clumsy she is and how many embarrassing moments there have been in her life. Also, she loves to scare people, even strange people, unexpectedly. Emma and her best friend Chloe seem to be a funny dream team. There dialogues in the beginning of the book had me constantly smiling and I knew pretty quickly that I would like this book. But there's more to Emma than just her humor or her clumsiness. She's a very proud girl, doesn't take orders from anyone and can definitely stand her ground.I also like that Galen, the male lead, is not this overly perfect guy. I mean, of course, he has this otherworldly beauty, but I guess that's okay because he IS from another world. That also entails his lack of knowledge about human behavior and sayings. It's cute to see how he gets used to living in the human world which he only does for Emma. Yet, he has a hard time figuring out his own true motives for protecting her and showing her the Syrena heritage that slumbers within Emma.There weren't a lot of high-tension moments in the plot, but it was still a quick read without any boring parts. I would have wished a bit more detail in terms of the world building. Galen once estimates the Syrena population to contain about 20,000 people. And obviously, many of them are fascinated by the human world which shows in them collecting human things and relics or even "hitch-hiking" on ships and other fun things. So, why doesn't it occurr much more often that Syrena people intermingle with humans even though it is forbidden? And then, there is one chamber where the Syrena keep their dead for them not to appear on the human coasts. That has to be one massive chamber! Doesn't really fit my imagination of the Archive's place, where this chamber is supposed to be. But these were just some questions that occurred to me while reading.The only serious problem I had was with the POV. The book alternates between chapters told by the I-narrator Emma and a limitied third-person POV focused on Galen. That really didn't work for me, it was only very confusing and hard to accept.Anyone who's into a sweet teenage love story, a proud and funny female lead and an interesting plot about two rivaling Syrena kingdoms and one girl in between should definitely go for this wonderful book! I can't wait to read Of Triton (especially after this mean cliffhanger)!
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