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The Four (OF-EXP): The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google (Englisch) Taschenbuch Buch – 4. September 2018, by Scott Galloway

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“An existential alarm bell wrapped in a business lesson wrapped in an entertaining and often hilarious (and, yes, occasionally blue-languaged) series of stories built with great writing. It keeps you entertained to make sure you’re informed.” – 800-CEO-READ“Galloway takes the reader through a refreshingly clear-eyed look at the nature of dominance at Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc., Facebook Inc. and Google. He is interested in how these companies become more valuable with use instead of less, how they benefit from low cost of capital and the implications for things [that] could further strengthen their dominance.” —Brad Stone, Bloomberg Technology “As the power of technology’s biggest companies comes under more scrutiny, NYU business professor Galloway reveals how Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google built massive empires.” —Publishers Weekly, “The Top 10 Business Books of Fall 2017”"This is that rare book that not only informs but entertains. You'll never look at these four companies the same way again." - Jonah Berger, author of Contagious “Scott Galloway is honest, outrageous, and provocative. This book will trigger your flight-or-fight nervous system like no other and in doing so challenge you to truly think differently.” —Calvin McDonald, CEO of Sephora “The Four is an essential, wide-ranging powerhouse of a book that, like Scott Galloway himself, marries equal parts incisive, entertaining, and biting. As in his legendary MBA lectures, Galloway tells it like it is, sparing no business titan and no juggernaut corporation from well-deserved criticism. A must read.” —Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink “If there is a blunter, more opinionated, faster-talking expert on the Internet than Scott Galloway, I haven’t come across him. Or her.” —Philip Elmer-DeWitt, Fortune“Scott Galloway’s The Four is a bareback ride upon the four horses of the economic apocalypse – Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google. It is a timely exposition of the nature and concentration of power in the world today and, as a result, is much more than just a business book…The book contains more insights and provocative ideas than Amazon has Boeing 767s… My recommendation is to walk down to your local book store and buy this – or more likely, buy it on Amazon.” Tom Upchurch, Wired
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Scott Galloway is a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, where he teaches brand strategy and digital marketing to second-year MBA students. A serial entrepreneur, he has founded nine firms, including L2, Red Envelope, and Prophet. In 2012, he was named one of the “World’s 50 Best Business School Professors” by Poets & Quants. His weekly YouTube series, “Winners and Losers,” has generated tens of millions of views. This is his first book.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 336 Seiten
Verlag: Portfolio (4. September 2018)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0525540393
ISBN-13: 978-0525540397
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
10,6 x 2,3 x 17,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.5 von 5 Sternen
11 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 640 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Niemand hat unsere Welt in der wir leben in den letzten 10 Jahren so stark beeinflusst wie diese Vier Unternehmen (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google). Wie wichtig es dann ist dies zu analysieren hat Scott Galloway richtigerweise erkannt und hilft uns dabei mit seinem Werk extrem weiter.Zunächst einmal erklärt Galloway wie jeder einzelne der vier "Reiter" es dort hingeschafft hat, wo er heute steht. Dabei analysiert er vor allem auch das Geschäftsmodell der einzelnen Unternehmen. Mit jede Menge interessanter Statistiken stellt er auch nooch den aktuellen Standpunkt der Reiter dar und wie sie ganze Branchen aufgemischt haben und einstige dominierende Unternehmen dort verdrängt haben.Im zweiten Teil des Buches geht es darum wie sich diese Unternehmen wohl weiterentwickeln könnten. Wer wird von ihnen untergehen, wer wird noch die Welt auf Jahre hinaus prägen können und wer wird sie gar dominieren können. Welches Unternehmen hier welche Rolle einnimmt analysiert Galloway ausgezeichnet und ich kann nur so viel sagen: Für Apple sieht es eher weniger gut aus und für Amazon ausgezeichnet. Diese Einschätzung kann ich komplett mit dem Autor teilen.Der Autor schwärmt aber nicht nur davon wie toll doch diese Unternehmen sind, sondern er bedenkt auch die Probleme, die die Dominanz der vier Reiter mit sich bringt und noch bringen könnte.Zur englischen Version kann ich so viel sagen, dass sie preislich ein guter Deal ist. Schließlich spart man sich ein paar Euro gegenüber der deutschen Übersetzung. Allerdings sollte man wirklich gute Englischkenntnisse haben. Das Buch ist nicht ganz einfach geschrieben und ein Sprachniveau von C1 halte ich für nötig.Ich hoffe, dass ich Dir weiterhelfen konnte und sich meine Rezension für Dich als nützlich erwiesen hat.
An interesting and faszinating book in any case.Lots of information about the 4 big names - the 4 "horsemen" - what we knew already to some extent, or not.We all have to face the consequences of our "big data / online / IoT / high speed / want to have it all" world.- AI (artificial intelligence) is comming like a Tsunami ... the algorithms not only know us better and better ... they are taking millions of jobs in the world of tomorrow. No physiscian can compete with the diagnosis of an AI database with the knowledge of millions of similar cases.- Are the 4 "horsemen" stoppable?Silly question. If not one of the 4 big names does it - lots of others will do it, taking the advantage.With market values heading towards the Trillion (1,000,000,000,000) Dollars - the big 4 have reached the budgets of small countries already. And still growing.- Investing and taking a smal share from their growth.Is that all what we can do? Surely we can - and be aware, that the next "horsemen" are already on the horizon - chasing the big four.Very interesting to read and get some insight what's happening just in front of our eyes!
“The Four: The Hidden DNA†written by Scott Galloway (professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business and founder of L2 Inc.) in 2017 is a non-fictional book which de-mistifies the stories of Amazon, Apple, Google & Facebook. If it makes sense: the book is written like a podcast as e.g. in the chapter about Google, Scott talks 90% of the time about the New York times. But this is actually the reason what makes the books so “factfulâ€, up-to-date & relevant. The author combines throughout the book a lot of different events that happened in the last 10 years and draws very insightful conclusions which one still has to interpret with caution because they are quite “extreme†probably for image reasons. Last but not least, he obviously also has a podcast and YouTube channel in which he forecasts events that might happen in the tech scene and was right with a couple of them already in the past.. In general the book made me more aware of the elements that influence market capitalization; especially the last chapter is a great summary.
First things first, the book is brilliant.I didn't know much about the author, Scott Galloway, even though I try to keep track of the latest and most interesting business books. Luckily Amazon knows me well and recommended it to me, along with something Peter Thiel has written (I have zero inclination of reading, much less buying that item).The Four is oddly entertaining for such substantial research into the most valuable companies of our day. And I do mean entertaining as opposed to bore the living hell out of its reader.After reading the book cover to cover within a day and some change, I started watching clips of Galloway on YouTube to see whether the man was just as interesting as this book - he didn't disappoint and I'm looking to read his next one whenever he publishes another one.
sehr einfach jedoch reisserisch geschriebenes Werk, welche die 4 Horsemen analysiert und versucht Gemeinsamkeiten heraus zu filtern. Effektiv eine Erzählung in der Retrospektive, welches keinerlei Ausblick in die Zukunft bzw. Einschätzung der Zukunft gibt.
Scott Galloway beäugt mehrere Aspekte der zukünftigen Wirtschaftsentwicklungen - immer im Bezug an den (großen) Vieren.Toll geschrieben, gute Graphen und lustige Kommentare (Sex sells :)). Gerne gelesen und könnte es erneut.
Ja, im Buch geht es um "the four", aber gerade zum Ende hin überrascht der Autor indem er das Themengebiet ausweitet und einen Brückenbogen zum Leben des Lesers schlägt.
Easy read, outstanding approach from a marketing lens
The Four (OF-EXP): The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google (Englisch) Taschenbuch Buch – 4. September 2018, by Scott Galloway PDF
The Four (OF-EXP): The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google (Englisch) Taschenbuch Buch – 4. September 2018, by Scott Galloway EPub
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The Four (OF-EXP): The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google (Englisch) Taschenbuch Buch – 4. September 2018, by Scott Galloway Kindle
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